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Each Loan Will Be The Right Size, in the Right Location, and on the Right Type of Property.  No Set-Up Fees.  No Monthly Fees. 

Pay Just 37.5 Basis Points When a Deal Closes. 

Do want to close more commercial mortgage loans?  If so, joining C-Loans as a lender is a no-brainer.  You will instantly see dozens of qualified new deals every month.

Please take a moment to view a sample loan application.

As you can see, you can determine in seconds if the deal is a good one or not.  If the deal is junk, you can turn it down with just one click using our EasyReply System.   If you like the deal, you can immediately call the borrower directly.  You can also use the EasyReply System to instantly beam the borrower a quote and a checklist of required documents.  It's all point-and-click technology.

Who is C-Loans®?  We are the internet division of Blackburne & Brown, one of the largest and oldest private money commercial mortgage companies in the country.  You can view our audited financial statement.  Please note that our parent company is a $55 million direct commercial mortgage lender itself.

"Do internet loan applications really work?"  It's amazing.  Banks across the country are closing loans for us almost daily.  Our hard money division now gets almost 70% of its deals from the internet.  It's like shooting ducks in a barrel.

"How many loans will I get?"  It depends on your lending area.  A conduit lender can expect to see at least 40 loans per month over $2 million.  A bank lending nationwide could see 20 to 30 deals a month.  A mid-sized bank lending statewide might see 15 deals per month.  If you only lend in Northeast St. Louis, you will of course see fewer deals.

"How much does it cost?"  There is no set-up fee to join C-Loans, nor is there is any monthly charge.  Banks, life companies, conduits and REIT's pay just 37.5 basis points when a deal  closes.  Hard money lenders pay just 50 basis points.  You can easily bump your normal rate by 25 basis points or your normal loan fee by a half-point to cover our fee.

"Do we have to sign an agreement?"  No.  We're happy to start sending you deals immediately based only on a verbal handshake.  If for some reason you need a written agreement, you'll find one here:

"Can anybody join C-Loans as a lender?"  No.  You must be a bona fide, direct lender and not a mortgage broker in disguise.  Generally you must either service your own loans or take them down in your own name.

A couple of minor points.  We are not the Borrower's mortgage broker, nor are we your correspondents. C-Loans is just an on-line advertising company.   The loan applications will come in to you directly, and you are to deal directly with the Borrower or the mortgage banker.

"Okay, let me get this straight.  There is no set-up fee to join C-Loans, nor is there any monthly fee.  I only have to pay you a tiny fee if I actually close a deal, and I can always just bump either my rate or my loan fee a little bit to cover your fee.  This is indeed a no-brainer.  What do I do?"

Simply call Alicia Gandy in our Sacramento office at 916-338-3232, or if it's after hours, just send her an email.  Please include your name, company, address, phone, fax, email address, your minimum loan, your maximum loan, your lending area, your acceptable property types, and your typical rates in terms.  Finally, will you also make construction loans?

Within 24 hours you should start receiving loan applications.  "It's that easy?"  Yep.

Welcome to the C-Loans® family.

George Blackburne, III, Esquire
11866 Lawndale Drive
Plymouth, IN 46563
Since 1980



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Letter from George

Contact Us® is sponsored by Blackburne & Brown Mortgage Company, Inc.--For more information, contact George Blackburne
4811 Chippendale Drive, Suite 101, Sacramento, CA 95841 telephone: (916) 338-3232 * Fax: (916) 338-2328
Real Estate Broker -- California Department of Real Estate -- License Number 829677

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